A shop steward is an employee member and a representative of the union. They are the front-line representatives who defend the interests of their fellow employees. They provide members with information and education, enforce provisions of the collective bargaining agreement, represent members in fact-finding interviews, and mobilize members in support union initiatives.

CBA Article 18, Section 7. Investigation of Disciplinary Actions

a. Management will investigate an incident or situation as soon as possible to determine whether or not discipline is warranted. Ordinarily the appropriate line supervisor will make this inquiry. Employees questioned in connection with the incident who reasonably believe they may be subject to disciplinary action have the right to Union representation upon request.

b. Disciplinary investigations will be conducted fairly and impartially, and a reasonable effort will be made to reconcile conflicting statements by developing additional evidence. In all cases, the information obtained will be documented. All evidence used to support an action detrimental to an employee, will be provided to the employee in a timely manner.

c. Except where outlined in AR 690-700, Chapter 751, the Employer agrees that no disciplinary action shall be taken against any employee for supplying information, giving testimony, or acting as a representative.


Cindy Demaro, Chief Shop Steward, Cadet Barbershop, External link opens in new tab or windowcdemaro.2367@gmail.com, (845) 275-7483

Nadine Lee, LRC Mess, nadrose@hotmail.com, (914) 564-0859

Lloyd Lee, Legislator Coordinator, afge2367lee@aol.com, (845) 391-1956

Joshua Salisbury, Prep School, joshua.salisbury82@gmail.com

Timothy Wilson, DPW, External link opens in new tab or windowwilson.timothy18@yahoo.com

Kyle Dustin, Security Guards, kyle.dustin95@gmail.com, (914) 882-1712

Dana Montello, USMA

Sylvanus Conklin, DPW, sylvanusconklin@yahoo.com, (845) 905-6927